Now we come to the most interesting moment, when we discover how different languages can be stored in one head, how the brain recognizes a particular language, how the brain can switch from one language to another, and why languages do not mix in one's mind.
The brain of any person operates not with words and phrases, but with the meanings associated with these words and phrases, therefore infinite number of language units can be attached to these concepts. Thus, the idea of a cow will remain unchanged, whether you call it
корова or
la vaca. Our brain is able to remember a huge number of words. The same
is observed with phrases. Each language has a specific set of phrases associated
with the same meaning:
The human brain needs a lot of time to realize the meaning
of a word or a phrase. But as soon as the meaning is clarified and fixed in
mind, it does not matter how many words and phrases from other languages are
added to it. Why the learning of a different language is easier at a young age?
Because there are not so many words and phrases from the native language in
a young brain. There is nothing complicated to add the additional
expressions to these concepts from other languages. After that all languages are formed in the
same way, without highlighting the native language as the main one. It is very important that
the native speaker is associated in the child’s mind with only one
language. In this case, switching to another language is easy.
For a child growing up in bilingualism, the formation of
languages has its own difficulties, especially if parents switch from one
language to another from time to time.
“I remember a moment from my childhood,” recalls Svetlana
I., “when my parents ask me something, but I am silent. I understand what they
ask me about, but I don’t know what words I should say, or which language I
should choose, as I would say now."
The example of Svetlana shows that the child distinguishes between different language systems
even at an early age. Words and phrases
from different languages do not mix in a child's head. The logical explanation
for this phenomenon may be the assumption that all words and phrases of the same
language are linking together by additional connections. You can imagine
different languages as several folders under the names
"English", "Española", "Française", "Russian", etc. While folders of foreign languages are
still formed, all of them can be stored in a folder called "Foreign Language".
I remember, at the very beginning, when I was just
starting to learn English, I often came across a curious situation. If I could
not recall the English word, my memory helpfully suggested the German
equivalent, despite the fact that I did not know German well, although I studied
it in school.
An adult and a child should learn a foreign language in fundamentally different ways. If a child simultaneously learns the concepts of words and phrases, studying these words, the adult has already formed a system of knowledge. To follow the path of a child is to waste time for him or her. He/she just needs to associate foreign words and expressions with the system that already exists in his/her head. It takes short time.
There is no problem to memorize the nouns.
The problems arise when we move on to the phrases.
Not everyone understands that we speak mainly with the help
of template phrases. In the speech practice of any nation, there are a huge
number of spoken units used by most people (How are you? What are you going to
do? Don’t worry! Get well soon! Come here! We need to talk. Good job! What do
you want?)
The conversational practice of one language does not
correspond always to the conversational practice of another language, so, some phrases from the
English language have no analogue in another language and vice versa.
Literal translation does not work for the reason we spoke
before: our brain needs a lot of time to realize the meaning of a phrase
that does not have a sound matrix in the brain. It is very good if we can convey
the meaning by a simple translation of the words using the same syntax:
A good option is when the phrase of one language has an exact semantic analogue
in another language, while the means of expressing the idea are different. For
example, "Curiosity killed the cat". Even if the meaning of this proverb is
clear enough, you will be better understood if you use the Russian analog of
this proverb
Варваре на базаре нос оторвали".
How to say "Good job!" in Russian?
How to translate in English Spanish phrase
Tengo frío (literally "I have a cold"? - "I am cold", etc, etc, etc.
Since such approach to foreign language learning is not
common, it is not surprising that there is small number of resources to help in
it. Grammar usually takes this place. But, unfortunately, grammar learning don't
help too much. Trying to speak, people begin to translate phrases of their native
language using the grammatical rules of another language. It is clear that people do not understand or misunderstand them. After unsuccessful efforts to
comprehend an incomprehensible, person either gives up or intuitively switches
to a path called "How to say?"
Having memorized even a small number of phrases, you begin to
hear and understand the foreign language. Feel again what 2-3 years old children feel: I understand
everything, but I can’t say anything. But you will need much less time to learn
how to express your thoughts in words of foreign language. You will use only
memorized phrases in a beginning, in a time quantity will turn into quality: you will automatically create
your own sentences based on familiar patterns.
An interesting phenomenon is observed during the study of a
foreign language. Of the two people with the same physical capabilities of the
brain (with the same visual and auditory memory), one is better at mastering the
language, who is less educated, who knows less. This happens because, on the one
hand, he/she will never learn another language with the help of a book. He/she
will immediately take the right path by listening to the people. On the other
hand, his/her small vocabulary will be quickly supplemented by analogues of a
foreign language, he/she will feel comfortable in a foreign language environment
and, from his/her point of view, will completely “master the language”.
Comfort is a word that determines the degree of a foreign
language learning. Obviously, that the comfort zone of a person with a rich
native language goes far beyond the comfort zone of a person with a poor
vocabulary of the native language.
In general, if we compare two people with the same intellect,
then the one with the better musical ear will understand spoken language faster.
If we compare two people with the same parameters, then the one who is more motivated
will learn a foreign language faster. The last statement is equally
true in relation to any subject. A smile and a good mood are the best friends on
the path to knowledge.
Never give up. I know that another language learning is a long
and difficult journey. I myself went through it and understand perfectly the
anger and despair of those who stepped on it in adulthood. For those who are
just starting to learn English, I can offer the lessons that my daughter Masha
once offered me: